I'm Sushanth Sathesh Rao, an undergraduate Electrical & Electronics Engineering student at National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal. Early in my college days, I chose to pursue developing as a hobby. As it turned out, while working on a variety of projects, I have learnt to explore and enjoy building application/tech products that have real world significance.

Full Stack Developer, AI & Systems Enthusiast
Let us make this world a better place with an algorithmic approach towards life!
- Website: https://raosush.github.io
- City: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- Degree: B.Tech
- Email: rao.sush003[at]gmail[dot]com
Sushanth Sathesh Rao
Passionate developer with a keen interest in building apps & websites along with experience in designing & maintaining systems.
- https://raosush.github.io
- rao.sush003[at]gmail[dot]com
Bachelor of Technology
2019 - Present
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
Electrical & Electronics Engineering(Major) CGPA: 8.66
Information Technology(Minor) CGPA: 8.5
Google Summer of Code, '21
Student Developer
June, '21 - August, '21
- RBS is a newly developed language that describes the structure of Ruby programs
- Since RBS is a newly developed language, it has a few rough edges & a decent amount of scope for improvement
- Providing RBS files for third party gems, integrating it with the RBS CLI so that Ruby developers can utilize these files to run type checks on their programs.
- Fixing/improving the functionality of the current RBS tool chain
- Completed RBS writeup of 5 gems in a reasonably short duration, thanks to a solid grasp over Ruby
- Proposed fixes to issues & a few more
- Link to PRs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Web Development Manager
2020 - Present
- Coordinate between & collaborate with various teams & its members in the capacity of a manager
- Worked using a variety of technologies/frameworks/libraries including but not limited to Rails, MySQL, Laravel, jQuery, Bootstrap
- Completed working on BuySell Module for NITK
- Completed working on Projects Portal for pan NITK use
- Built a full-fledged flow for club membership certificate approval and generation
- Working on the setup of a Jekyll website for providing documentation on Client Access to IRIS
- Continuous enhancements & bug fixes for IRIS Production Code-Base
- Contributed to official institute website that boasts of 80k+ visits a month on average
- Contributed to IRIS Flutter Application which has 1k+ downloads on Google Play Store
- Mentored 500+ students in Ruby on Rails Bootcamp
2020 - Present
- Worked using Django & React while developing & maintaining the ACM Club website
- Built a Rails web application which serves as the backend for iACM, a Flutter mobile application which is currently being developed
- Conducted a Summer Mentorship Programme on Flutter
Tech Lead
2020 - Present
- Built a Flutter application deployed on PlayStore which has 1k+ Downloads & 5 star rating
- Setup automated deployment of application bundle to PlayStore using GitHub Actions
- Maintain & manage the WordPress website, which also serves as the backend for the application
- Worked on the migration of the entire installation from a GCP VM to NITK provided hosting service
Development Group/DSC Secretary
2020 - Present
- Participated in the organizing of multiple events
- Working on building a web application for improving connect between students of NITK due to the pandemic, using React, Express & MySQL tech stack
Projects & Contributions
Buy and Sell Module
Feb, 2020 - May, 2020
- A platform for people to list & purchase products
- Has sophisticated features and Cool & Responsive UI
- Implemented client side filters using public APIs of DataTables
Projects Portal
August, 2020 - August, 2021
- Built to enable professors to list their project offerings & students to apply
- Aims to generalize project listing to allow even students
- Clean UI coupled with a smooth UX
Smart Proctoring
August, 2020 - Present
- Providing an open source, LMS integrable proctoring solution
- Benchamrked various other solutions rigorously while understanding their implementations
Alarming Mobile Applicaiton
October, 2020 - October, 2020
- A mobile application that acts as an emergency alarming system for friends and acquaintances whenever a person needs help
- Built using Flutter & integrated with Firebase
- Link to project: GitHub Repository
Demonstrate Lazy Loading
October, 2020 - October, 2020
- Implements lazy loading and displays only a few records on the screen at a time
- Implements lazy loading of images in 3 different ways
- Link to project: GitHub Repository
Bulk Email Users
October, 2020 - October, 2020
- An authenticated platform where admin can send message to registered users via email
- Built using Ruby on Rails(v 5.2.2) with a UI designed & built using Bootstrap
- Link to project: GitHub Repository
OWASP Web Vulnerabilities
September, 2020 - March, 2021
- Gained a sound understanding of various forms of cyber attacks & their mitigation strategies
- Used OWASP WebGoat to analyze and practice attacking a web application, thereby enabling us to propose potential mitigations strategies
- Learnt to script blogs compiling resources & hurdles faced
- Detailed Report: OWASP Top 10 Report
Google NSynth Super
September, 2020 - March, 2021
- Gained a sound understanding of NSynth & the underlying WaveNet model
- understood the crucks of NSynth Super, by looking into research prototype available as an open source project
- Detailed Report: Google NSynth Super
Text Summarization
July, 2020 - August, 2020
- Implemented summarization of text by using pre-trained GloVe model & TensorFlow
- Tweaked model parameters to better the performance in comparison to the original implementation
- Tried migrating the model from an older version of TensorFlow to 2.0
- Link to project: Google Drive
Linear Equation Solver
July, 2020 - July, 2020
- Implemented a simple linear equation solver by extracting equations from images using OpenCV
- Used OpenCV contours to correctly detect equation & it's variables
- Link to project: Google Colab Notebook